獲釋演說 翁山蘇姬籲言論自由 更新日期:2010/11/14 15:28
(路透仰光14日電)緬甸民運領袖翁山蘇姬(Aung San Suu Kyi)今天在獲釋後首次大型演說中,告訴成千上萬歡呼支持者她明白「大家想要什麼」。翁山蘇姬長年被軟禁家中。
這位諾貝爾和平獎得主過去21年來,15年被囚禁或軟禁。她在全國民主聯盟(National League for Democracy)的總部發表演說,成千上萬人聚集聆聽。中央社(翻譯)
Highlights of Aung San Suu Kyi’s Speech:—“I will continue my efforts to bring about national reconciliation, and I need the support of our people,” said Suu Kyi.
—“I’ve always believed in national reconciliation. I believe in human rights and the rule of law,” said Suu Kyi.
—”I have no grudge against my captors,” said Suu Kyi.
—“Democracy is a system which allows the majority of people to guide a small group of people in power,” Suu Kyi said.
—“If we want something, we must dare to do it, have the capacity to do it, and we have to be efficient in doing it,” said Suu Kyi.
—“If we use our strength in the right way, nobody can break it,” said Suu Kyi.
—“Politics is important for all people. Don’t consider it’s not your affair,” said Suu Kyi.
—“Courage means to work for what you believe with perseverance and to be strong and to have good will. It’s not courageous to use one’s physical strength and to shout loudly,” said Suu Kyi.
—Suu Kyi said she will work with all the people, including democratic forces, to achieve national reconciliation. “I have no intention of going my own way,” she said.
—Suu Kyi avoided the sensitive topic of election vote fraud in her first public speech.
Published Sunday, 14 November, 2010
- Nov 15 Mon 2010 09:11