禮堂 Auditorium
佈告欄 Bulletin Board
各樓層平面圖 Floor Plan
事故傷害防制 accident and injury prevention system
會計室Accounting Office
入學年齡admission age; entrance age
入學資格admission qualification
入學標準;入學條件 admission requirements; entrance requirements
成人教育 adult education
諮詢委員會 advisory committee
冷氣機 air conditioner
常說:請、謝謝、對不起。 Always say, “Please”, “Thank you” and “Sorry”.
藝術教育 art education
社會藝術教育 art education for the general public
出席 attendance
出席簿 attendance book
旁聽生 auditing student; guest-pupil
大禮堂 auditorium
基本英語 basic English
黑板 blackboard
可以外借的書 Books Available for Loan
不准外借的書 Books Unavailable for Loan
書架 bookshelf
童子軍 boy scout
男廁所 boys' restroom
掃把 broom
刷子 brush
水桶 bucket
經費分配 budget allocation
經費獎助 budget rewards
經費補助 budget subsidy
公佈欄 bulletin board
CD收錄音機 CD player
證書 certificate
證明書 certificate; graduation certificate
椅子 chair
講座 chair professor
粉筆 chalk
公民教育 Citizenship education; Education for citizenship
政風室Civil Service Ethics Office
上課時間 class period; session
班規 class rules
課表 class schedule
教室 classroom; lecture room; recitation room; teaching room
星期六、日及國定假日休息Closed on Saturday, Sunday and National Holidays
社區大學 community college
社區總體營造Community Infrastructure Establishment 
社區化 community formation; integration with the local community
結業 completion of schooling
電腦 computer
電腦教室 Computer Classroom / Computer Laboratory
教育行政e化 computer-based educational administration
行政業務電腦化 computerization of administration; digitalization of administrative work
會議室Conference Room
諮詢委員會;諮議委員會 consultative committee; advisory committee
繼續教育 continuing education
聘約 contract
約聘人員Contract Employee
約僱人員Contract Employee
解聘 contract termination
管制考核 control and evaluation
諮詢輔導團 counseling and guidance group
學分 credit
文化教育 cultural education
文化;修養 culture
文教交流 cultural and educational exchange
課程 curriculum
舞蹈教室 Dance Classroom
書桌 desk
發展指標 development indicators
教學日誌 instruction day book; instruction record
數位差距; 數位落差digital divide
會計主任Director of Accounting Office
人事主任Director of Personnel Office
遠距教學distance learning; distance instruction
博士 Doctor
博士學位 doctoral degree; Ph.D.
博士[學位]候選人 doctoral candidate
教室物品不可帶回家。 Don't take anything from the classroom home with you.
門 door
飲水機 drinking fountain
畚斗 dustpan
教育 education
主管教育行政機關 education administration authority
教育基本法 Education Basic Law
教育經費 education budget
國防教育 education for national defense
老人教育 education for the elderly
休閒教育 education for leisure
教育行政 educational administration
教育行政入口網 educational administration portal site
教育行政人員 educational administrator
教育會議 educational conference
教育法令 educational decree
參觀教學 educational excursion; observation visit
教育經費支出;教育開支 educational expenditure
教育經費計算基準 educational funding formula
教育經費分配審議委員會 Educational Grants Committee, Ministry of Education
教育期刊 education journal; education periodical
教育文獻education literature
教育雜誌 education magazine
教育管理資訊系統educational management information system
教育中立原則 educational neutralism
教育制度 educational system; system of education
教育價值 educational value
教育年鑑;教育年刊 educational yearbook
教育學家;教育學者 education specialist; education expert
教育工作者 educator
電梯 elevator
緊急照明燈 emergency light
教育百科全書 encyclopedia of education
環境教育 Environmental Education
板擦機 eraser cleaner
倫理教育 ethics education
逃生路線 evacuation route
評鑑公告 evaluation bulletin
評鑑成果 evaluation outcome
評鑑標準 evaluation standard criteria
考試;檢查 examination
工作執行小組 executing group
幹事Executive Officer
逃生門 exit
推廣班 extension class
外部評鑑 external evaluation
電扇 fan
水龍頭 faucet
緩降機 fire escape
滅火器 fire extinguisher
消防栓 fire hydrant
一樓 first floor
樓層配置圖 Floor Plan
花圃 flower bed
正規教育 formal education
性別歧視 gender discrimination
兩性教育gender education
性別平等gender equality
性別平等教育 gender equality education
性別刻板印象 gender stereotype
全民英語能力分級檢定測驗 General English Proficiency Test
一般型計畫 general project
女童子軍 girl scout
女廁所 girls' restroom
玻璃回收桶 glass recycling bin
殘障廁所 disabled restroom
扶手 handrail
健康教育 health education
有電危險,請勿靠近。 Danger! High Voltage!
假日 holiday
假日班;假日課程 holiday course
鐘點費 hourly pay
人權教育Human Rights Education
衛生教育;保健教育 hygiene education
理想 ideal
說明會 explanatory session; briefing
融入式教學incorporation teaching method
非正規教育 informal education
資訊;知識 information [=knowledge]
資訊教育information technology education
初聘 initial contract
講師;教師 instructor
整合型計畫 integrated project
內部評鑑 internal evaluation
國際教育 international education
網路環境整備 Internet environment equipment readiness
保持教室清潔。 Keep the classroom clean.
廚房 kitchen
知識管理 knowledge management, KM
語言 language
法律教育 law education; legal education
資遣 lay off
請假 leave of absence
講師;講演員 lecturer
課 lesson
教案 lesson plan
圖書室 Library
圖書室使用規定 Library Rules
生命教育life education
終身教育 lifelong education
日光燈 light
語言教育 linguistic education; speech education
借閱登記 Loan Registration
置物櫃 locker
失物招領 Lost and Found
工友Maintenance Worker、Messenger(送公文)、Janitor(清潔工)
碩士 Master
碩士學位 Master's degree
教材 material of instruction; teaching materials; subject matter; subject-matter
媒體素養教育 media literacy education
紀念日 memorial day
教學法 method of instruction; method of teaching; teaching method
教育部長 minister of education; minister of public instruction
教育部 ministry of education
拖把 mop
道德教育 moral education
道德 morality
母語 mother language; mother tongue; native language
本土知識 native knowledge
新書介紹 New Publications
報架 newspaper rack
報紙 Newspapers
上課不可吃零食。 No food or drinks in the classroom.
館內禁止飲食 No food or drinks in the library.
室內不可喧嘩、奔跑。 No shouting or running in the classroom.
民間團體 non-governmental organization{NGO}
職業訓練 occupational training
上班時間/辦公時間Office Hours
組織架構;組織圖表 organization chart; organizational structure
組織再造 organizational restructuring
原創性 originality
紙類回收桶 paper recycling bin
親職教育 parental education
停車場Parking Lot
工讀 part-time job for students; work-study
兼職 part-time job
兼任 part-time position
兼任教師 part-time teacher
兼課 part-time teaching
兼課鐘點費 pay for part-time teaching
養老金;退休金 pension
人事室Personnel Office
盆栽 plant
上課不遲到,中途不外出。 Please don't be late, and don't leave during class.
請勿飲食Please don't eat or drink. ; No food or drinks.
走廊請勿奔跑 Please don't run in the hallway.
輕聲關門 Please don't slam the door.
請保持安靜 Please keep quiet.
在館內閱讀完書籍,請歸回原位。 Please put books away when you finish reading them.
輕聲細語 Please talk quietly.
請隨手關燈 Please turn off the light when you leave.
會議時請關機 Please turn off your cell phone during meetings.
大眾教育 popular education
通俗講演 popular lecture
教育行政職務 positions in educational administration
教育可能性 possibility of education
學術專業團體 professional academic association
社會教育機構專業人員 professionals of social education institutes
外籍配偶子女教育 program for children of foreign parents
課程表 program of studies; curriculum chart, syllabus
公共藝術Public Art
公用電話public telephone
椅子輕拉輕放 Pull out and replace the chairs gently
教師資格 qualification of teacher
問卷;問題徵答 questionnaire
種族差異 ethnic difference
抹布 rag
先舉手,再發言。 Raise your hand before you speak.
讀書會 reading circle; study group
閱覽室Reading Room
好書介紹 Recommended Books
代表著作 representative writings
廁所 restroom
點名 roll call
教室課表 room schedule
安全教育 safety education
三明治課程sandwich course
學校;學派 school
教科書 school book; text-book; textbook
學友;同學 schoolmate; classmate; someone one goes/went to school with
科學教育 science education
童軍教育 scout education
二樓 second floor
警衛室 Security
教材選擇 selection of subject matter; selection of teaching materials
自我評鑑 self-evaluation
自治 self-government
自籌經費 self-help fundraising
學期 semester
性教育 sex education
性侵害 sexual abuse
性騷擾 sexual harassment
性侵犯 sex offender
性暴力 sexual violence
鐵捲門 shutter; gate
洗手台 sink
社會教育 social education
社會科學 social science
職員 staff
樓梯 stairs
代課教師 substitute teacher
暑期學校 summer school
督導考核 supervision and assessment
開關 switch
桌子 table
愛惜圖書並準時歸還 Take good care of the books and return them on time.
工作小組 task-force
教師 teacher
電視 television
留職停薪 temporary leave without pay
臨時人員Temporary Worker
聘期 employment period
終身學習網路教材online teaching materials for lifelong learning
公民訓練 training for citizenship
垃圾桶 trash can
關燈 Turn off the light.
開燈 Turn on the light.
電視櫃 TV stand
非正式教育 informal education
假期 vacation
錄放影機 VCR
訪客登記 Visitor Registration
職業教育 vocational education
職業證照 vocational license
志工服務台Volunteer Service Counter
網路學習web-based learning
殘障坡道Wheelchair Ramp
防災教育白皮書 White Paper on Education Disaster Prevention
窗戶 window
婦女教育 women's education
執行成效 work effectiveness
工作室 workroom
工作坊;研習會 workshop
社教工作站 workstation of social education

國立新竹社會教育館National Hsinchu Social Education Center
國立彰化社會教育館National Changhua Social Education Center
國立台南社會教育館National Tainan Social Education Center
國立台東社會教育館National Taitung Social Education Center

社教館Social Education Center
站長Chief; Station Head

志願服務紀錄冊volunteer services record book
志工證volunteer certificate; volunteer badge
榮譽卡honorary card; honors card
本館預算the center's budget
教育部補助Ministry of Education subsidy
評鑑項目evaluation items; items for evaluation
評鑑等第evaluation grade; evaluation rank; evaluation ranking
實施計畫action plan; implementation plan
經費概算estimate; expense estimate; budget estimate
執行成效 outcomes; implementation outcomes
終身學習理念lifelong learning concepts
終身學習教育lifelong learning education
聯繫會報joint meeting
志工隊volunteers; volunteer team; volunteer group
志工管理系統volunteer management system
童軍團scout troop
跳蚤市場flea market
編輯委員editorial committee
各式表格下載downloadable forms
場地租借venue rentals
為民服務to serve the people; serving the people; serving the community

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