Answer / Reply (v.)
Answer/ 指用語言回答、爭論;也指行動應付情況。
☆ to answer the doorbell 去應門
☆ He answered the question at the last minute.
Reply/ 較answer正式,主要用於言語或書面回答、解釋;也指用行動回答。
☆ I haven’t replied the letter yet. 我還沒有答覆這封信。
☆ We replied to the enemy’s fire fiercely.
★ to answer a letter (告訴對方已收到信)
★ to reply to a letter (答覆對方信中的問題)
Bother / Disturb / Plague / Trouble / Worry (v.)
Bother/ 指令人心煩的困擾。
☆ She is busy at work. Don’t bother her.
Disturb/ 指程度較強的煩惱或不安。
☆ They seriously disturb the peace.
Plague/ 語氣更強烈,表幾乎到達無法忍受程度的困擾。
☆ He is plagued by recollections of his long-dead child.
Trouble/ 概念極廣,可用於事情,有驚慌意味;表打擾時可與bother互換。
☆ I’m sorry to trouble you. 我很抱歉麻煩了你。
Worry/ 主要因擔心某事而發愁。
☆ They worry about Tom’s behavior.
Bother / Disturb / Plague / Trouble / Worry (v.)
Bother / Disturb / Plague / Trouble / Worry (v.)
i) Don’t anything in my room. 不要亂動我房裡的東西。
ii) She’s been by back pain all her life.
iii) Don’t . Tomorrow will be better. 別擔心,明天會更好。
iv) Can I you for a ride to school tomorrow?
v) Don’t me with foolish questions. 不要拿蠢問題煩我。
1) disturb 2) plagued 3) worry 4) trouble 5) bother
Cheat / Deceive / Impose / Trick (v.)
Cheat/ 以不誠實手段取得所要之物。
☆ He cheated to pass the exam. 他作弊以求考試及格。
Deceive/ 以虛假之事來隱瞞真相。
☆ Peter often deceived others. 彼得常常欺騙他人。
Impose/ 利用虛偽的東西瞞騙別人。
☆ You imposed a false painting upon him. 你把假畫賣給他。
Trick/ 以計謀欺騙,使達到個人目的。
☆ He tricked her into marrying him. 他騙得她嫁給他。
Cheat / Deceive / Impose / Trick (v.)
i) He always at cards. 他玩牌時總是作弊。
ii) Your disguise is excellent; you could upon even your best friends.
iii) I was by him. He seems a very smart man.
iv) He was out of money. 他被人騙走了錢。
1) cheats 2) impose 3) deceived 4) tricked
Damage / Destroy / Ruin / Spoil (v.)
Damage/ 對事物的損毀,並非徹底毀壞。
☆ He damaged her car with a stone.
Destroy/ 指強有力的破壞;精神的摧毀。
☆ The fire destroyed the house last month.
☆ His hopes were destroyed. 他的希望破滅了。
Damage / Destroy / Ruin / Spoil (v.)
Ruin/ 語義較destroy強烈。常用於天災人禍等無形的力量。
☆ He’ll ruin his prospects. 他將毀滅他的前途。
☆ Our garden was ruined by the heavy rain.
Spoil/ 語氣較強,指由外界或事物本身的因素而導致事物品質降低。和ruin義近,有時交換使用。
☆ The mother spoils her children. 這位母親寵壞她的孩子。
☆ The fire spoiled her face. 那次火災損傷她的面容。
Damage / Destroy / Ruin / Spoil (v.)
i) He has her life. 他毀了她的一生。
ii) The meat when it was left outside in the hot sun.
iii) The fire the beautiful cathedral.
iv) Smoking can your health. 吸煙有害健康。
1) ruined 2) spoiled 3) destroyed 4) damage
Enlarge / Expand / Increase / Magnify (v.)
Enlarge/ 指事物的尺寸、範圍的擴大延伸。
☆ This photograph doesn’t enlarge well.
Expand/ 指事務的尺寸、體積等擴大、膨脹。
☆ Heat expands the tires. 熱使輪胎膨脹了。
Enlarge / Expand / Increase / Magnify (v.)
Increase/ 強調事物逐漸增長的過程。
☆ The wheat production has increased a great deal this
year. 今年小麥產量大幅增加。
Magnify/ 讓某物看起來比實物大;誇大、吹噓。
☆ We use a microscope to magnify objects.
☆ He magnified his ability. 他把自己的能力誇大了。
Enlarge / Expand / Increase / Magnify (v.)
i) The magnifying glass the image 50 times.
ii) A microscope will these germs so that you can actually see them.
iii) Metal by heating. 金屬加熱膨脹。
iv) Travel one’s knowledge of the world.
1) enlarges 2) magnify 3) expands 4) increases
Form / Shape / Fashion (V.)
Form/ 廣泛用於各事物。
☆ At last, they formed a reasonable conclusion.
Shape/ 用於具體時,指強力造成的外形;用於抽象時,強調結果。
☆ The workers shape clay into urns. 工人們把泥土製成甕。
☆ My plan is shaping well. 我的計畫進展良好。
Fashion/ 廣義使用時與shape同義,有培養、塑造之意。
☆ The trainer tries hard to fashion his students into fine sportsmen.
Form / Shape / Fashion (V.)
i) Many influences help to our children’s character.
ii) The children the snowman’s hat out of twigs.
iii) The children the wet sand.
1) fashion 2) formed 3) shaped
Gaze / Glare / Stare / Glance / Glimpse / peer / Peep (v.)
Gaze/ 指長時間目不轉睛地看。
☆ He gazed out of the train window during the trip to New York.
Glare/ 指凶狠或威脅的注視。
☆ They stood there, glaring at each other.
Stare/ 十分注意睜大眼睛看著。
☆ She stares me up and down. 她上下打量著。
Gaze / Glare / Stare / Glance
/ Glimpse / peer / Peep (v.)
Glance/ 隨意、匆忙的一瞥。與glimpse比強調看的動作。
☆ I glanced round the room before I left.
Glimpse/ 無意中的一瞥。與glance比強調看的結果。
☆ I glimpsed her among the crowed. 我在人群中瞥見了她。
Gaze / Glare / Stare / Glance
/ Glimpse / peer / Peep (v.)
Peer/ 指瞇著眼吃力的看,多指視力障礙或因外界因素。
☆ she peered at the tag to read the price.
Peep/ 常指通過某種東西朝外看,一般多出於好奇。
☆ Some boys peeped over a wall. 一些男孩正在牆上偷看。
Gaze / Glare / Stare / Glance
/ Glimpse / peer / Peep (v.)
i) He at the letter in disbelief. 他盯著這封信看,簡直不敢相信。
ii) She through the moist, trying to find the right path.
iii) The father at the noisy children. 父親瞪著這些吵鬧的孩子。
iv) He at hid watch. 他看了一下手錶。
v) I caught him at my work. 我當場抓住他偷看我的作品。
vi) She sat at the fire. 她坐著凝視著爐火。
1) stared 2) peered 3) glared 4) glanced 5) peeping 6) gazing
Have / Hold / Own / possess (v.)
Have/ 最普通、最廣泛。
☆ Do you have an English dictionary? 你有英文字典嗎?
Hold/ 語氣較強,有佔據控制的意思。
☆ He holds the whole hotel. 他擁有整家旅館。
Own/ 強調合法或原本擁有某物。
☆ I own many books. 我有許多書。
Possess/ 較正式。指某人或某物具有的特性。
☆ The police asked me if I possessed a gun.
Have / Hold / Own / possess (v.)
i) I only the book; it’s not my own.
ii) They most of the shares in the business.
iii) The boy an astonishing retentive memory.
iv) They a new house. 他們有一棟新房子。
1) borrowed 2) held 3) possesses 4) have
Inform / Notify / acquaint (v.)
Inform/ 強調直接把事實或知識告知對方。
☆ Please inform me when you arrive. 你到達後請通知我。
Notify/ 較正式用語。指官方公告等急於告知別人。
☆ He was notified by the army to report for his medical
Acquaint/ 指提供廣泛的資料,強調使人了解未知的情況。
☆ Are you fully acquainted with the facts of the case?
Inform / Notify / acquaint (v.)
i) We her that she was on the wrong street.
ii) Please all staff that the inspectors will be here on Monday.
iii) She them with the facts. 她把事實告訴他們。
1) informed 2) notify 3) acquainted
Jump / Leap / spring (v.)
Jump/ 強調從地面跳起。通因興奮、緊張等。有意跳過的高度或距離。
☆ The children jumped for joy. 孩子們欣喜地跳起來。
☆ He jumped the stream. 他跳過那條小溪。
Leap/ 主用於詩和文學。詞意與jump相近,但著重騰空跳起。或腦中閃過某個想法意思。
☆ The dog leaped a ditch. 那隻狗躍過了一條溝。
☆ The idea leaped into my mind. 腦海中突然閃過一個主意。
Spring/ 大多情況這三詞可互用,但spring更強調突然性。
☆ The ball sprang against the wall. 那球碰到牆上彈回來了。
Jump / Leap / spring (v.)
i) Can you across the stream? 你能跳過那條小溪嗎?
ii) The horse across the chasm. 馬跳過深坑。
iii) Tears of joy into his eyes.
1) jump 2) leapt 3) sprang
Kill / Murder / Slaughter / Assassinate (v.)
Kill/ 最普通、最廣泛。
☆ The cold weather killed all the plants.
Murder/ 指非法蓄意地殺人。
☆ a murdered man 遭謀殺的人。
Kill / Murder / Slaughter / Assassinate (v.)
Slaughter/ 指一時間內殺死許多動物。強調被殺數量眾多。
☆ Thousands of people are needlessly slaughtered each year in
road accidents.
Assassinate/ 指出於政治動機的暗殺。
☆ a plot to assassinate the president 一個刺殺總統的陰謀。
Kill / Murder / Slaughter / Assassinate (v.)
i) Millions of Jews were by Nazis in the Second World War.
ii) The young lady was inhumanly .
iii) Lincoln, the president of the United states, was in 1865.
iv) He was in a motoring accident. 他在最近一次車禍中喪生。
1) slaughtered 2) murdered 3) assassinated 4) killed
Leave / Abandon / Desert / Forsake (v.)
Leave/ 常指捨棄某物或職業。個人情感色彩較淡。
☆ I left my umbrella in the car. 我把傘丟在車上。
Abandon/ 指徹底放棄感興趣之事或所負責任。個人情感色彩較濃。
☆ They abandoned the attempt. 他們放棄這嘗試。
Leave / Abandon / Desert / Forsake (v.)
Desert/ 常用來指拋棄自己應盡的義務。被動式表行人絕跡。
☆ The guard deserted hid post. 衛兵擅自離開他的崗位。
☆ the silent deserted streets of the city at night
Forsake/ 既指物質上的拋棄,也指精神上的背叛。
☆ She forsook her worldly possessions to devote herself to the church.
Leave / Abandon / Desert / Forsake (v.)
i) The streets were . 街上行人絕跡。
ii) She pleaded with her husband not to her.
iii) She her baby on the doorsteps.
iv) I must go back; I’ve my car keys.
1) deserted 2) forsake 3) abandoned 4) left
Make / Manufacture / Produce (v.)
Make/ 範圍最為廣泛,包括手工、機器製造,藝術方面的創作。
☆ The car is made in Japan. 這車是日本製的。
Manufacture/ 概念比make窄,多指機器大規模生產。
☆ They manufacture steel and iron. 他們製造鋼鐵。
Produce/ 概念較廣泛,既指物品生產,也指精神的創造。
☆ Canada produces high-quality wheat. 加拿大生產優質小麥。
☆ The century produced many great statesmen.
Make / Manufacture / Produce (v.)
i) This factory parts that are used in automobiles.
ii) Boiling water steam. 沸水會產生水蒸氣。
iii) Concrete is of cement, sand, stone and water.
1) manufactures 2) produces 3) made
Neglect / Ignore / Omit / Overlook (v.)
Neglect/ 指對自己的職責、義務,沒有給予應有的注意。
☆ Don’t neglect to return your books on time.
Ignore/ 故意裝作不知道或未看見。
☆ He ignored the facts. 他忽視事實。
Neglect / Ignore / Omit / Overlook (v.)
Omit/ 常指出於某種原因而省略、刪去一部分;也指由於粗心大意而遺漏細節。
☆ This paragraph may be omitted. 這一段可省略。
☆ He omitted to tell me when he was leaving.
Overlook/ 指由於匆忙、粗心,忽略了細節。
☆ These little details are easily overlooked.
Neglect / Ignore / Omit / Overlook (v.)
i) The driver the stop sigh at the corner.
ii) You’ve been your work. 你對工作不夠重視。
iii) He my warning. 他對我的警告置若罔聞。
iv) He shutting off the computer in his haste to lock the door.
1) overlooked 2) neglecting 3) ignored
4) omitted (neglected, overlooked)
Object / Oppose (v.)
Object/ 指一般的反對,特別是瞬間突然的反對。
☆ I object to the proposal. 我反對這個提議。
Oppose/ 經過深思熟慮而不贊成或是極力反對。
☆ They opposed the new plan. 他們反對新計畫。
Object / Oppose (v.)
i) Her parents are to their daughter going out late in the night.
ii) I’d like to open the window, if no one .
1) opposed 2) objects
Pull / Drag / Draw (v.)
Pull/ 通常指突然拉動的動作。
☆ His daughter pulled his beard. 他女兒拉他的鬍子。
Drag/ 指拉著物體使摩擦地面;常含有所拉物體笨重、有阻力之意味。
☆ The towers are dragging a ship. 縴夫們在拖拉一隻船。
Draw/ 指用力使某物朝施力方向移動;通常含有費力小、輕鬆之意味。
☆ She drew her chair nearer to the table. 她將椅子拉近桌子。
Pull / Drag / Draw (v.)
i) __ the door open. Don’t push it. 把門拉開,別推。
ii) Don’t your feet across the floor.
iii) He the table towards him. 他把桌子拉向自己。
1) Pull 2) drag 3) drew
Repair / Fix / Mend / Patch (v.)
Repair/ 指修復損壞的物品;也可用於抽象事物。
☆ He repaired his car. 他修理他的車子。
Fix/ 非正式用語,口語常用。與repair基本相同,但範圍更廣。
☆ Can you fix the watch for me? 你能幫我修手錶嗎?
Repair / Fix / Mend / Patch (v.)
Mend/ 指修補磨損、折毀的物品;也指痊癒、恢復;指對不良現象的糾正補救。
☆ Mother mended the tear in my shirt.
☆ The soldier will mend soon. 這士兵很快會痊癒。
☆ He mended his ways. 他改過自新了。
Patch/ 與mend意思相近,但強調用材料修補。
☆ My mother patched my pants. 媽媽補了我的褲子。
Repair / Fix / Mend / Patch (v.)
i) Mother the tear in my shirt.
ii) They decided to the library during the summer vacation.
iii) My mother my pants. 媽媽補了我的褲子。
iv) The broken bone is starting to . 骨折的地方開始癒合。
v) I must get the radio . 我必須把收音機修理一下。
1) mended 2) repair 3) patched 4) mend 5) fixed
Say / Speak / Talk / Tell (v.)
Say/ 大量用於日常口語。
☆ We all agree to what he says. 我們都同意他說的事情。
Speak/ 指說話的能力。
☆ Can you speak Chinese? 你會說中文嗎?
Talk/ 詞義與用法與speak接近,多指人之間的交談。
☆ The president is talking with the lawyer.
Tell/ 指用語言告訴某人某事;也可表示發出命令、警告。
☆ Tell me the plot. 告訴我情節。
Say / Speak / Talk / Tell (v.)
i) I dare you are right. 我敢說你是正確的。
ii) The light you if the machine is on or off.
iii) He can French and Spanish. 他會講法文和西班牙文。
iv) I can hear people in the next room.
1) say 2) tells 3) speak 4) talking
Take / Bring / Fetch / Carry (v.)
Take/ 將東西帶到別處去。
☆ Who has taken my dictionary? 誰拿走了我的字典?
Bring/ 多指從別處帶來。
☆ He brought his girl-friend back home yesterday.
Fetch/ 到別處把某物取來。
☆ Fetch a doctor for her. 為她請來一位醫生。
Carry/ 把東西運送到別處。
☆ The parcel carries quite easily. 這包裹容易運送。
Take / Bring / Fetch / Carry (v.)
i) He goods to the workshop. 他把貨物搬到工作間。
ii) The chair is in the garden; please it in.
iii) May I them to see you? 我能帶他們來見你嗎?
iv) the umbrella with you in case it rains. 帶把傘以防下雨。
1) carried 2) fetch 3) bring 4) Take
Use / Employ / Utilize / apply (v.)
Use/ 概念最廣泛。
☆ May I use your phone? 我可以使用你的電話嗎?
Employ/ 常與use互用。用於物時,指未被佔用的;用於人,表示雇用。
☆ During the emergency, private cars were employed as buses.
☆ The firm employs about a hundred people and there are more
women than men.
Use / Employ / Utilize / apply (v.)
Utilize/ 指將事物充分地利用。
☆ It is hoped that in her new job her talents will be utilized than
Apply/ 將一事物運用到另一事物上。
☆ The computer has already been applied to production
Use / Employ / Utilize / apply (v.)
i) He a saw to cut down the tree. 他用鋸子鋸倒那棵樹。
ii) He what he had learned in class to the experiment.
iii) Railroads thousands of people.
iv) To avoid an oil shortage, more machines must solar energy.
1) used 2) applied 3) employ 4) utilize
- Jul 26 Sat 2008 11:20