羅夏克的墨漬測驗The Ink Blot Test
I see a face in the card一張臉
I see a scary face in the card一個可怕的臉
Things look like they're whirling around in the card卡片中的東西在四周旋轉
It looks like we're looking down on people or something in the card 在圖片下方看到人或者物
I see a mask in the card 面具
I see a flower in the card 花朵
I see some sexual imagery in the card色情圖片
It looks like a bunny rabbit head 像一個兔子兔子頭
It looks like an elongated horse's head 像一個拉長的馬的頭
It looks like an X-ray, especially that part near the bottom接近底部的部分像X光
It looks like spilled ink that was blotted 看起來像墨漬
It looks like two distorted Eskimos playing "patty-cake"像兩個扭曲的愛斯基摩人玩手拍手
It looks like a giant open mouth, about to devour me 像一個要吃掉我的巨大開口
It looks like a tunnel into another dimension, or maybe New Jersey隧道到另一個地方,例如新澤西
It looks like two double-amputees dancing像是截肢者在跳舞
It looks like the coast of Italy after an atom bomb attack, only mirrored 鏡子中意大利海岸的原子彈襲擊後的倒影
It looks like a pair of one-legged cannibals fighting over a victim
I love pudding 我愛布丁
It looks like an RLFP DNA test result, with the phenotypes split 看起來像DNA測試結果分布圖
It looks like Satan's head, the white part in the middle (can't you see it?) 白色部分中間像撒旦的頭(你看不出來嗎?)
It looks like smudges, or maybe an inkblot 像污跡,或者墨跡
It looks like the Universe exploding and coming at me像朝著我來的宇宙爆炸
No, you idiot, it's a butterfly that's been crushed by a bootheel 不,你這個白痴,這是一個被粉碎的蝴蝶
Ha! This one is definitely an inkblot 哈!這一個是絕對的墨跡
The dark, malevolent shapes remind me of my childhood murder-spree黑暗中,邪惡的形狀讓我想起我的童年謀殺
I see someone standing on someone else's head with their hands out 我看到有人站在別人的頭上手伸出來
It looks like something under a microscope slide or something像在顯微鏡下幻燈片或東西
It looks like someone exposing herself to me, heh heh! 一個對我暴露的人
I see Satan's eyes, filled with an evil, burning hatred for my soul 我看到撒旦的眼睛,充滿了邪惡,憎恨我的靈魂燃燒
I see a fluffy bunny-rabbit 我看到一個毛茸茸的小兔子
I see a big naughty shape at the top, in the center 在中間有個一個頑皮形狀的頂部
It looks like a guy that was hit by a bullet-train going 5 million miles an hour像一個傢伙被時速五萬里火車的子彈擊中了
This blot doesn't really look like anything to me. Can we have some lunch? 這什麼都不像,我們可以去吃飯了嗎
It looks like a Tele-Tubby (maybe 'Po'?) that was run over by a Sherman Tank 看起來像被坦克輾過的一個天線寶寶
It looks like you just threw ink on a paper and then folded it 看起來像是你扔墨水在一張紙上,然後折疊它
This card gives me strong yearnings for members of my sex這張卡片給我嚴重警告關於我的性伴侶們
I see a monster swooping down to eat a helpless puppy dog
It looks like people having sex, seen from below, not that I'd know...
It looks like you folded the card top-to-bottom this time
It looks like a pulsing heart, ripped from the chest of its victim. (No, really.)
It looks like something a brain-damaged kid would draw in Art Class
It looks like a lawyer with his arms out, demanding money
It looks like a bat, no wait, a dog, no, I mean a cat, oh, hell, I give up!!
It looks like two evil garden gnomes, conspiring with each other.
It looks like, well, something, you know, kinda blobby and all
It looks like a giraffe in a bathtub filled with brightly-colored machine tools
It looks like conflict between my id and my repressed superego. Or something.
It looks like a fractal image that some bozo whipped up in PhotoShop®
Heck, I'm drawing a blank on this one. Can I get a hint?
It looks like a leaf. Or animals climbing up a cave wall.
It looks like something verrrrrrry sexy. Heheh, heheh!
I think this is the same as card #4. Or maybe #5.
It looks like a Rigelian Brain Eater from Star Trek.
It looks like that guy on American Idol. You know which one I mean.
It looks like a chest X-ray. Yeah, that's it. A chest X-ray.
It looks like death reaching out for my mortal soul.
It looks like a monster. Hold me, I'm scared!
I see naughty bits! lol, lol!
It looks like an abstract pattern of light and dark things.
I don't know, but I wouldn't want to meet it in a dark alley.
It looks kinda like my ex-wife, first thing in the morning.
I must kill them all, kill them and then ...ummm, what were you saying?
It looks like toad that tried to cross the highway. At rush hour.
This is a bad acid trip I had at a Styx concert.
This is a copyrighted image and my lawyer will be in touch.
It looks like Indian shamans, dancing around a fire.
It looks like something really indescribable.
It looks like a decaying soul, ravaged by life's many horrors. Or a doggy.
This is the Devil for sure. You can't fool me, Spawn Of Satan!
This looks an awful lot like the stain on my pillow.
Thematic Apperception Test(TAT)主題統覺測驗
- Mar 13 Sun 2011 08:40
羅夏克的墨漬測驗The Ink Blot Test